What We Offer

Association Management

What you do matters. Why else are you doing it? But are you putting in a lot of time and resources without seeing a lot of results? Our goal is to help your association maximize its efforts, leverage its resources and further its cause. We offer a full menu of services, which are customized to fit your association’s unique needs. As a result, pricing varies.

To learn more, please request a proposal.


Often neglected in small, volunteer-led organizations, administrative functions aren’t sexy, but they have the power to make or break your association. Let us handle the tedious ‘back office’ operations:

  • non-profit compliance
  • proper record keeping
  • adherence to parliamentary procedures
  • smooth board transitions
  • ongoing updates to organizational documents.

We’ll dust off those bylaws nobody has read in years (or everybody has ignored), and transform the language from the dark age to the modern age.


Can your members get help easily and when they need it? In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, members expect quick—even immediate—responses and convenient access to information. PoliGRAM offers impeccable communication services:

  • website and social media management
  • frequent content updates
  • effective email marketing
  • newsletter development
  • quick response times.

Never again will your “Contact Us” form be considered the place where urgent inquiries go to die.

Member Services

Members are the lifeblood of every association. As each new generation enters the workforce, new attitudes and new technologies emerge.

Your association must stay ahead of the trends, finding new ways to engage and retain current members while always recruiting new ones.

Let us help you create the right value proposition and market it effectively.

Event Production

Events like conventions and fundraising banquets often become the public face of your organization. Unfortunately, poorly managed events can leave a bad taste in attendees’ mouths (in some cases, literally).

If you’ve ever served as your association’s Events Chair, you know that events are time-consuming and detail heavy – requiring careful, constant attention.  We want your event to create a stellar impression for donors, would-be members and other important stakeholders, without sucking the life out of you. From venue negotiation and program planning to streamlined registration, event logistics and more, PoliGRAM has you covered.

Leadership Development

Is your board a revolving door of the same few faces, year after year? If so, burnout is inevitable. In fact, loss of leadership through turnover or burnout is the number one reason organizations lose momentum.

A sustainable organization is one that constantly develops new leaders.  Maybe it’s time for fresh leadership, but you can’t find any willing souls. Let us help you recruit and develop your next leaders through:

  • Long term planning
  • Mission and vision setting
  • Board member training
  • StrengthsFinder coaching
  • Mentorship program development
  • MBTI Indicator coaching

3126 S. Boulevard St. #274, Edmond, OK 73013