Frequently Asked Questions.
Here are some things you may want to know about PoliGRAM.

I don't see prices online. What do your services cost?

We don’t publish prices, because our services are tailored to your unique organization and its specific needs. Pricing is based on the size of your organization and the scope of services required. For a custom quote, please Request a Proposal. In general, here’s what you can expect:

  • Basic Management Fee – PoliGRAM and your association agree on a contracted set of tasks or duties to be performed on an ongoing basis, and the association pays a set monthly fee for those services.
  • Project Fees – For special projects outside the scope of a management agreement or for a la carte services, your association and PoliGRAM would agree in advance on a set fee to be paid just for that project or service. This is especially true of one-time projects such as a website (re)launch, rebranding, or a special anniversary event.
  • Other – In certain situations, commissions may be the best model. For example, associations focused on membership development may prefer to pay PoliGRAM a commission for each new member gained. Similarly, an association may want to share the profits of a large event to reduce its risk.
We have a very small budget. Can we afford your services?

Yes! PoliGRAM specializes in serving small, volunteer-led organizations. Not only can you afford our services, you can’t afford not to use them. Let us reduce your overhead, maximize your resources and handle the day-to-day, so your volunteer leaders and paid staff can focus on what matters most–your mission.

Did You Know?

Independent research has shown that that, on average, associations run by an Association Management Company (AMC) have consistently higher income from products and services, 31 percent higher revenue growth, three times more net asset growth and..

  • Less liabilities as a percent of revenue
  • Lower expenses as a percent of revenue
  • Higher surpluses as a percent of revenue


We have an in-house manager, so we don’t need the full menu of services you provide. Can we pick and choose services à la carte?

Absolutely. Let’s talk! Request a Proposal.

What if I’m not with an association or a non-profit? Can I still use your services?

Yes. Many of the services we provide meet needs that are common to organizations and businesses of all kinds. Let us know how we can help! Request a Proposal.

I don’t see the exact service I need. Would PoliGRAM consider a special project?

Yes. We are here to help you achieve your goals. Let us know exactly what you need, and we’ll either offer a solution ourselves or connect you with someone who can. Request a Proposal.

Still have questions? Send us a note!

For any other questions, please email us at info@poligram.net


3126 S. Boulevard St. #274, Edmond, OK 73013